Real talk bois... Is Myers viable without using any tombstone/mirror add-ons?

I really like the core gameplay of Myers, but i find the whole "mori a survivor who haven't even seen you the whole game" pretty dumb. And as a survivor, i strongly dislike when this happens to me. But it is unquestionably strong. Mirror is fun, but it's a diffrent kind of fun. What im looking for, is the core meyers experience. Stalk, reach tier 3, go murder people. But it seems that once i pop my tier 3, survivors hide until it's over. I usually pop it after 99'ing it when im real close to a survivor, and kill them pretty fast. but then i just.. find myself looking for rats, hiding in corners/lockers. Am i playing him wrong, or is he just not that viable in higher mmr? 🤔