Overly realistic things you believed when starting?
I remember when i first started playing i thought that:
You must have a seperate knife for cooking purposes and one for killing zombies as the deadly bacteria from a zombies throat you slit might transfer to a meat you’re cutting up
You need to take your gloves off when eating or have a “dirty” and clean pair which i would switch constantly lol
Stack bullets by condition in the magazine, prisitine being first etc, im pretty sure now that it makes no difference (?) and only weapon and mag condition matter to avoid jams
You must only wear clean face items as wearing dirty masks will get you sick (Wasn’t this a feature?)
After 1000 hours i’ve conclued that Dayz is certianly much more immersive and hard core than most games it’s also fairly outdated and arcadey in some aspect especially AI, like when im luring zombie into a building to covertly kill it and it’s pathfindind misses the entrance like 5-10 times running in cirlces around the door 😂.