Coming back to DayZ after years on hiatus - how is the melee combat still so atrocious?
I will say, they've made some improvements, but truly, they've had 10+ years to iron this out and it still plays out comically bad. All the melee fights I have seen between other people or the fights I am in are people basically just wildly flailing at each other, doing janky animations or just straight up running away.
Melee fights even with zombies are hilariously clunky, not to mention monotonous as hell. I'm trying not to be a hater but this might be the worst melee combat in any game with over a decade in development to polish it. Is anyone legimimately happy with where the melee combat is in this game?
Side note: some of the melee animations with weapons seriously make me laugh with how awkward they are. At least I can get a kick out of that.