Should i go to Vybor Airfield?

Im relatively new to dayz (30hrs) and i never been there. for weapons i have the pristine BK 133 shotgun with pristine rubber slugs, a mlock 19 with a badly damaged mag and pristine bullets a worn splitting axe and a worn kitchen knife i have something to eat and to drink (not a lot tho just a can of spaghetti and a can of beans and a glass bottle with water) i have bandages, a charcoal tablet (just one), 2 tetracycline pills, like 6 codeine pills and a IV blood bag with my blood. oh and i dont have any sicknesses or broken legs or nothing im perfectly fine. im asking cus i dont wanna risk losing my character (its the best one i had yet)

so what do yall think is it worth the risk? (i honestly dunno how big the risk is)

Thanks for any advice