Andie & Pacey

I’m currently rewatching season two and I get the feeling that Andie and Pacey don’t actually LIKE each other. I mean don’t get me wrong their relationship is really sweet and they do care about each other. But their lack of chemistry is obvious. There is no tension.

They both have a caretaker complex so it’s understandable why they were drawn together. But at the end of the day I get the feeling that Andie is just a filler girlfriend and could be anyone (which is sadly common in early 00’s shows).

I know this topic is tired but it’s something I didn’t get on my first watch. Especially with Pacey because with Joey he always seemed to enjoy her, and even Tamara. But he doesn’t seem to really care about anything about her beyond helping her.

It also doesn’t help that I feel that the actors have as much chemistry as dry paint.