For the ladies: How has perimenopause/menopause impacted your dating and relationships?

Whelp, I’ve hit the ripe age of 42, and according to my instagram feed these days, menopause is coming to turn me into a goblin. I don’t think I have any obvious symptoms of perimenopause yet - my face did get alarmingly warm and tingly the other day though (hot flash?) - but I know it’s inevitable. I’ve heard terrible things… mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, loss of libido, VAGINAL ATROPHY. I mean, shit, I’ve finally gotten to the place where I’m confident and happy in my own skin. In short, I’m nervous. I am also single. I’ve taken some time away from dating after a bad breakup 5 months ago, and I want to take as much time as I need to feel right within myself before getting back out there. But there’s this looming sense of urgency. I want to meet someone while I still feel like ME, while I am at my best. I want to enjoy an active, healthy sex life. I don’t want to rush myself, but I can’t help but feel like time is running out. Looking to hear your stories, 40+ ladies. How have you managed within the context of dating and relationships? Is it as bad as I’m hearing?

Edit: Accidentally posted this in the wrong subreddit (whoops) so reposting here. if this is an inappropriate post, my bad. MODS please take it down if so.