Always be careful

At this age no one wants to really start over. We see our retirement on the horizon (if not already there) and just want to enjoy the life that we have earned so far. A little companionship shouldn't be too much to ask for right?

I just heard of an incident where a 50F went on a date. OLD. This woman is not very social, more of a workaholic. Not a lot of interaction with a lot of people. So OLD was her putting her self really out there.

The man she was on a date with had a scanner and stole her identity.

Her life is turned upsidedown.

Please. Everyone gets yourself an RFID blocking wallet/purse. It may not be fashionable but there are options. Be safe.

EDIT: Because people would rather dismiss as a hoax and not care about the content:

This happened to my daughter's co-worker. An actual live person. My daughter brought the information to me because the woman is the same age as me and she knows that I was attempting OLD. (The woman was clearly physically upset and my kid was concerned so she asked)

As a small business owner, I have a card reader that is about 3x3, and fits in the palm of my hand for on site events. This can absolutely read cards within about 3 inches. I've tested.

Isn't the whole point of OLD to get close to someone? I don't know what the lady's circumstances were. Maybe he was just sitting close enough next to her purse at dinner. Who knows.

Did this concern me as an individual? No. I don't carry a purse and my wallet has been RFID for many years.

I thought I'd pass on the info to others.

It's amazing that people don't just keep scrolling if they are not the target audience for info.