What am I MISSING to do?
Hi Redditors,
I (33m) have never had a relationship. I was really into a girl a few years back and she seemed interested initially but then she told me that she had a boyfriend. I was sad because of this. I then tried to focus on other aspects in life. After sometime I got to know about a dating app that a friend was using and it seemed to work well for him, I tried to use it and was active on it. I went on to use the app with its paid features. I got to know 1 person from the app with whom I had some significant conversation and was trying to get to know. Also, the lockdown has really reduced my efforts in this direction because of the COVID crises/situation.( I guess this should not be an excuse ) At times I make conscious efforts to be social which I am not. I was not social in college and socialised at minimum level at work. I feel I have missed a lot till now and am anxious about missing the same in future. Now I know I have be as authentic as possible to my myself so I attract the right people instead of chasing people. Any advise is really appreciated!
What am I missing to do? (This is my major question) What are other channels to find a date other than apps?