No chemistry/romantic connection - whats wrong with me?

Hey all,

I (M32) have been dating (W28) for roughly 6 weeks now. While everything goes smoothly, and there are no red flags at all, I just "don't feel it". She is a wonderful woman in so many aspects, but our chemistry is quite off; the sex feels forced and clunky, even though she is probably the most attractive woman I have dated so far, leading to performance anxiety on both sides. We talked about it, but there seems to be no real outcome so far.

I have been in two LTRs before (5 and 4 years), and the chemistry I had with both women was just amazing. I keep reading that the "butterflies" are just anxiety, etc., but both times, I was quite much in love, feeling like I was on cloud 9, and both relationships were stable and healthy and ended on good terms. Sex was just naturally happening and only got better over time.

I honestly don't quite know how to move forward with this. On paper, she would be an amazing partner; our values and lifestyle match well, and we both find each other attractive. However, there seems to be no chemistry, sexual tension or spark between us. I beat myself up because I feel like I am losing an amazing potential partner, but I can't shake the feeling that it feels forced.

Can anyone share some experiences with me? Do I give up too quickly? I also don't wanna lead her on for another 2 months or so.