Struggles dating, any advice?

So I’m 27M. I’d say I have a lot going for me in honesty. I’m good looking, to some extremely so, I’ve had many strangers call me beautiful, when asking girls about my rating I usually get 9/10. I’d say realistically I’m an 8/10. 6’1, 90kg, I go to the gym so I’ve got a decent build. I have a good job, very nice car, I dress well and have a unique style, which helps.

I got a ton of attention most of my life, in honesty. Outside I got crazy amounts of looks but I was way too socially anxious to approach anyone. I remember when my tinder account had 100+ likes. Now I have 6 and matches that either didn’t respond, or talked for a bit then disappeared. Different city but still. Despite improving my life, getting money etc, it seems with dating I’m sliding down. I don’t have many friends, I don’t go out much, I smoke weed and play guitar, go for drives. I’m usually always alone. A part of me craves that, but I want a family, kids. I fumbled the woman I really want, so it is what it is. I’ve gotta start dating again.

Dating apps are dry for me now, not sure if the algorithms changed or they want me to pay which I won’t do. Was thinking to go to a speed dating event, but that’s more for the experience. I can pull off the solo bar thing sometimes, but atm I don’t have the energy for that. I wouldn’t date anyone at work and there’s no-one there anyways. And my life is pretty much gym, work then home.

So how do I go about getting a girlfriend? Should I get a life first? Go travel or something? Or just forget it and improve myself, embrace solitude.