Am I(F20) being dramatic about what happend with bf(M21)?

Let me summarize this.. My boyfriend and I got into a fight because he does this thing where he won't tell the truth sometimes because he thinks I will get mad and that makes me even more mad because I don't like lying or him deciding if I'll be mad or not. So we didn't text for a day because I was upset. Extra context: he's away at college we are a LDR. He has gurl neighbors and hangs out with them sontimes, not alone with his guy friends. But one of my boundaries with that is not like going places off campus with them. So the day we weren't speaking that's what he did. Then I found out later in the day. Now I'm even more mad because I was hurting and he went a did something he knows I asked him not to do.

Also we’ve been dating for 5 years so a big thing to consider