Did I rushed and ruined things with my crush?
I (F29) have a crush on my downstairs neighboor(M29). We met randomly from common friends and drank a beer at his place. Then been sendind insta dms for a couple weeks until last monday. On monday he offered help with my plants and came to me apartment to repot them. As he was so cool and nice I offered dinner and he did not kiss me he just seated very close and asked questions like if I want kids and stuff. Then he texted me a couple days until friday he came to my apartment to pick something and I pushed for him to invite me a beer. We went to his apartment and talked a couple hours. He had to go to a bar for a birthday and asked me to come along. I went, we grabbed hands at the bar and then back home asked me to sleep in. We were very drunk and had sex then sleep (I’m afraid I wasn’t in my best performance bc being so drunk) Saturday he texted first until night that he had another party and he hasn’t texted yet. I know he parties hard and there was a very important game for his team yesterday but it’s giving me anxiety. Did I rushed things? I texted him first now