Looking for Mentor or Study Buddy

Hi, I recently decided to transition my career path to data analysis, and I am looking for a mentor or a study buddy to study with me. Self-study can be very lonely, and I'm the type of person who needs regular checks or a kind of motivation capsule once in a while.
My learning progress so far: I have prepared well for MS Excel and the basics of Power BI and am planning to take the PL 300 certification in the next two months. Currently, I am learning SQL, Python, and Tableau.
I am trying to find some projects to work on as I am from a non-tech background.

I am an engineering graduate with a PG in management and work ex in mostly sales profile, and after all this, I realized I am not made for sales at all.
If anyone who is working in this domain and can guide me through the process or anyone else is self-studying and interested in studying together, please let me know🙏

Edit: I met a lot of fellow transitioners in a day. I'm guessing everyone is circling around the same situation where we need an accountability partner 😅

Please DM me for the link to the community who ever come across this post and seriously wants to get into the data analytics world.