I feel like I’ve plateaued on the PAT

I’m testing in late March and have been studying for about a month. I’ve taken two PAT practice tests and answered about 60/90 questions correctly, for a score of ~20 according to Bootcamp (I think the new score would be around 400).

I practice PAT every day, usually by answering 15 questions in each of the six sections. I then add my totals up to approximate an overall score. I am consistently scoring around 55-60 correct out of 90, and I can’t seem to get over that hump.

Was there anything you all did that resulted in a big score jump, or is it just practice? Can I expect to improve over the next two months with consistent practice? Right now this is my weakest section and I’m not really sure how else to improve. I’ve watched the videos on all of the sections.
