Almost got the perfect Blood Moon Kingdoms run

My strategy for Blood Moon Last Stand:
- Pick the first 4 heroes (A team): Leper, Abo with +2spd quirk, Hwm, pd with Builder (+20% inn materials). Builder is the best one
- Prioritize good quirk (the jinx, lightning reflex), then good starting skill (leper with solemnity and taunt, GR with repartee), good team composition

Escalation 1
- Decide B team and C team, B teams for defending while C team for Tangle lair boss with A team.
Move B heroes to defend inn, while C team move to middle inn.
- Take on road fight and resistant encounter as many as possible. The goal is to get enough mastery and resource to upgrade one middle inn in mastery tree (get the keystone too, 130 inn materials and 48 relics at least)

Switch to C team
-Buy all mastery upgrades, keystone, switch path and spend mastery, get combat item for tangle lair boss. Also buy the +Fatigue rest upgrade.
- Keep the hero with Builder in the party as long as possible. Heal their fatigue with combat or inn items.
- Move between 2 middle inn (to get the mastery keystone bonus) until you get the lair boss (usually 1-3 runs) Swap members from A and C team if needed. Or move to under siege inn if B team cant defend
(if you get the -75% trinket price trophy, the run is pretty much settle, otherwise trinkets + resource are good enough)

Before escalation 2 :
- Regroup with B team, spend mastery point, switch path, equip trinkets, ...
- Move to either left or right wing inn (which one have treasure, kill contract), upgrade militia to veteran (50 inn material - 38% militia tree). Spread 1 team to swap around with stagecoach team. 1 team will cover the other wing.
- Poetically, a Poet leper with Thrilling Tablet (+100% max health and +100% dmg per missing ally) and blight resist can solo every siege even at escalation 3. Let him handle unupgraded-militia inn. You just saved your self ton of resources.
- Progress kingdom quest

Escalation 2 :
- Go back to and upgrade the last middle inn to trade center (provision tree). Complete the quest along the way. Buy trinkets (+66% resist one is priority) and combat items (+blight :resist powder) . No need to save :d
- Move to other wing. Try to meet up with other team to spread trinket and combat item.
- Upgrade 2 left/right inns to veteran militia with indelible trinkets (80 inn material - 85% militia tree, make sure you have enough). Those inn can defense themselves now.
- Go back to middle, upgrade the bottom inn to garage (get the stagecoach tree keystone).
- Now just move around from mid to bot, occasionally move other heroes to mastery inn to upgrade hero stat.

Escalation 3 :
- Inn with 38% militia will need at least 1-2 heroes to defend. Man at arms, fittingly, is usually the best hero to be send to militia - Can guard the back line, stun and daze, reposition, generate block, mark. Heroes with block, stun or daze, selfsustain is generally better than other.
- Inn with 85% militia can defense it self if you follow the rule : Guard the back line, keep block token and above half health. ESPECIALLY if a rot claw berseck attack is coming up.
- The stagecoach keystone give 1 weak and 1 vulnerable to road fight enemies. Which help a lot not only in completing the quest, but also in encountering mini-boss - the run ender in escalation 3.

The alpha den :
- Take this fight seriously, rest at the inn to get the bonus (+20% dmg, +2spd, +20% max health). Blind, dodge, block, bleed and blight for two front liners.
My teams are : HWM, Runaway, BH, Leper
Meat Hook :
- Prepare blight and bleed resist for 2 front liners (powder, trinket). Rest at the inn. Heroes with token removal, stun, blind and reposition are good for the fight.
My teams are: HWM, Runaway, Abom, MAA

Good luck in your journey, may the ancestor be with you.