Can the UDG characters be redeemed?

This is something I’ve been wondering for a while now, since I see a lot of heated debate over this topic (at least from what I’ve seen). I’ve seen some people argue that what the warriors of hope can never atone for their murders or deserved to die. I kinda find this sentiment a little odd considering the themes of Danganronpa 2, which focus on seeing the best in people, redemption and carving your own future even with a bad past.

It just feels a little weird how some people are willing to be okay with the DR2 cast but not the warriors of hope despite the DR2 cast doing the same exact atrocities, if not worse then the WOH (You could argue there’s some leeway because of the brainwashing in dr3 but still). Hell, Genocide Jack is a serial killer but doesn’t catch much flack even if she is doing good things now. Your thoughts on whether the UDG characters can be redeemed?