The Superlatives of Dancing with the Stars: Day 65 – Best Viennese Waltz | Top Comment Wins!

And I’m back!  

As a reminder from where we left off, Sadie Robertson and Mark + Emma Slater won the last round (most over-rated trio) for their foxtrot. Usually when a celebrity makes a mistake, especially one so obvious in Sadie’s case, they are docked a point or two, but the judges didn’t dock Sadie and the dance scored a perfect 40. The fact that Alfonso performed his Turn Down For What Paso Doble on the same night and received a perfect score whilst being far superior to Sadie’s also factored in to this dance being nominated as ‘over-rated’. It was a cute dance, but it was over scored and over hyped and therefore over-rated.

During the mini break discussion, it was decided that when we finish voting for all of the dances, I will hold a poll to see if anyone wants to revote on any categories. I have also replaced the ‘Relay / Marathon’ novelty with ‘Fusion’ and replace the ‘First Out’ novelty with ‘Week 1 Dance’. Thank you to those who made these suggestions!

We now restart the game with Best Viennese Waltz. I’ll be honest, there aren’t any standouts for me, so I will be relying on peoples suggestions for this one!

As a reminder, it is the top single comment, so multiple comments of the same dance will not count. It is also contestants only, no pro numbers.

Looking forward to seeing what dances people suggest.

Happy voting! 😊