Most disappointing mom moment for you?
Theres a lot to pick from but the biggest one that comes to mind for me was Maddie and Makenzies last week, abby gave Areana a solo dedicated to her disabled brother. Melissa later gets upset and makes comments about how this week should be all about Maddie and Makenzie and not her (although she tries to show sympathy it comes off a little rude IE I'm sorry your life is like that type comment). Although I understood that Melissa wanted something special for her girls and they did deserve much better solos that week I felt like talking to Areanas mother (I can't remember her name!) about it instead of abby was really wrong and it definitely took away from a very sweet solo. It definitely hurt my opinion on Melissa a lot when it aired. But was wondering what moment for you guys was most disappointing? (We can throw Giana in the mix too cause I feel like she's disappointed a few fans with little clips here and there)