I’ve pre-ordered the $150 edition, does this come with everything a group of 2-4 players and a GM needs or just one player and GM?

Im a DM for a DnD campaign in my homebrew world and we use the 5th edition rules, swapping to the 2024 5.5 rules last week. We plan to switch to Daggerheart and it’s classes and races when it comes out with a bit of a soft “restart” that is conveniently built into the story we have been playing for a while now (souls and reincarnation homebrew lore blah blah blah).

My question is, does the $150 edition come with everything I would need for my players and myself or will I need to rely on demiplane and the CR provided PDFs, etc to have additional cards and printable materials for my players?

Im big on providing spell/item/quest cards and notes to my players printed on nice card stock, with a back logo etc that I design and pay for. I enjoy doing it but also enjoy uniformity so will I need to print and create domain cards, etc for players or does the set come with enough for everyone.

I don’t believe we will have class overlap, so the players would have unique classes but Im not fully versed if there is cross over in domain cards for classes, etc.

Any insight on this?

My players want to know too if they need to get the book for the rules or if they can rely on my PDF copy and cards to be kept with their character sheets at my house.

Thank you.