Should I treat myself?

Hi dads! Looking for some advice that isn’t directly related to my kids so I hope this is the right place…

After 20 years in the working world, 15 of which were retail and the last 5 have been a corporate job…I finally got my first ever real bonus after getting promoted last year. It’s a substantial amount of money for us (not crazy but still a nice chunk of change post taxes), and after some bills are paid we will still have a good amount left over.

In retail I would get a “bonus” but it was always laughable…like $100-$150…so this actually feels like a thank you and good job. My wife is telling me I should treat myself to a new Xbox. I game when I can to relax and decompress and my current Xbox, while working fine, is 6 years old.

I want to buy it, however I’m having pre buyers remorse. In the past we were not responsible with our money so I’m always super hesitant to buy things outside of needs.

What would you all do? Go for it, or hold off. I’ll also say that my wife works at a retailer that sells them and would get a good discount, so total all in would be less than $500, and after bills, we will still have about $3500 left over.