Is my friend a pedo?

My wife claims my buddy from work should no longer be allowed around our family after this incident.

I have a 2.5 year old boy and a 4 month old girl.

I have a friend from work who was in the marine and also was born and raised in the Philippines (so English is his second language). He was over for Super Bowl and we were drinking beers. 2.5 year old walks by him sitting in a chair. 2.5 year old has a hotdog in his hand and held it up to show my friend. My buddy jokingly said "sure I'll have a bite of your wiener haha"

Is it an adult joke? Yes Is it appropriate? No Is he a bit immature for his age and socially awkward? Yes

Does that make him a pedophile? I don’t have any reason to believe he meant anything like that, he’s a very nice guy all around and I’ve worked with him for two years. He definitely is awkward and quirky, so I took it as him trying to be funny and maybe wrong place/wrong time.

I feel my wife is over reacting severely and projecting her insecurities on the situation.

I told her if she doesn’t trust my own judgment of his as a person, then we have bigger problems.