New saddle discomfort

Bike: 21’ Bianchi Sprint Saddle: Selle Italia

Hey, I’ve been noticing some new saddle discomfort lately that wasn’t there before. I’ve had the bike now for a year and half, had a pro bike fit a few months after purchase, other than minor adjustments on the hoods, no changes.

Lately I’ve been doing a lot more indoor miles since I’m trying to really structure my training (using TrainerRoad). It’s an obviously sweaty affair and I know that may be a contributor (even with a fan blasting at my body).

I’ve been noticing pronounced discomfort on my soft tissue around the seat bones and sometimes slight numbness/tingling on the back of the scrotum. In all the time I’ve had the bike I’ve never had this issue. Tenderness on seat bones happens and then goes away but never constant for days. And the numbness/tingling is brand new.

Could it be simply be lack of fitness (I slacked off most of the beginning of the year and have been getting back in it during the summer)? Could it be that I’m due for a new fit? Maybe lean the saddle down on the front a slight bit?

Thanks in advance for any tips.