Why would netrunners live in the real (meat) world when they can live inside the NET? And do they actually want to?
Hey guys, so I'm thinking about writing an cyberpunk story and I'm trying to heavily inspire on the elements of the rpgs but one thing that I always intrigue me is why would anyone, with the choice to live in a VR world like the one with the tech that we have in cyberpunk would want to live in the meat world.
I think it is the same sentiment that the mc of neuromancer have about the matrix and the real world, even though I haven't finished the book yet it is pretty clear that he would much prefer live in a world like this than the other.
I know that most regular people don't netrun, not sure if it is just a hardware cost limitation but given how much interesting a VR world would be it is still strange that they don't, but that's besides my question.
Do most netrunners prefer to live online instead of the real world? Or do they share the rache bartmoss (which is one of the few net runners that I know most about) feeling of liking being connected most of their lives instead of wasting time on the meat world?
If this is true, that most netrunners prefer to stay connected, how would I create tension in a story? I know that they could still be targeted by ice's but it just few that it has so few dangers to make the story have tension. The way that sessions of rpg seem to counter this lack of tension in the cyber world would be to have other characters in the meat world interacting with the netrunner in my view. But it just few weird if the MC is the netrunner to do this in a book.
EDIT: A friend just told me that the red version of cyberpunk it is mostly AR, not VR: Sorry about that haha, but still I think the questions are still interesting to think about. Plus another, the reason that red there is not all connect VR net is because of the DataKrash + lack of money + interest of making another fully connected VR network?
Any tips and ideas of how to counter act this?
Thanks! Hopefully I was able to share my thoughts clearly with you all.