What was Evelyn’s endgame?
So she organized the heist to steal the relic from under both Arasaka’s and the VDBs nose with the plan of selling it to Netwatch. How did she expect that to work out? The VDBs are enough of a known quantity that she had to know they were going to come after her. She was the only possible culprit, there was no one else they could possibly have pinned that on. Additionally, despite what she tells you, Arasaka absolutely would have suspected her. V even points this out to her and she says “why would they suspect a random prostitute” wtf what do you mean girl you’d be the first one they’d suspect, everyone else that visits Yorinobu’s room is a known quantity to them. And then there’s Netwatch. She played her hand too early with them, told them exactly who she was and what she had. Why would she think they wouldn’t zero her to get that the exact way that the VDBs did? I’m just saying, a lot of blame is placed on T-Bug for the plans failure but these guys were fucked even if they get out of Konpeki without a hitch.