Cubans who are actually from Cuba, do you talk on the phone all day?

My husband was born and raised in Cuba. He’s on the phone all day. I’ve told him that I don’t care if he talks to his parents, who are still in Cuba, when they call because they don’t always have service, so they have to take the opportunity when it comes. But for everyone else, he should stop taking so many calls since I don’t speak Spanish and just have to sit silently while they talk or wait for him while he’s talking in another room. We have a baby, so I usually have to take care of the baby while he’s on the phone, and that’s after I’ve spent all day taking care of the baby while he’s at work. But even just missing out on bonding time is frustrating.

His brother is his best friend, so they talk multiple times a day. Sometimes they’ll be on the phone for over an hour at a time. I tried talking to him about it but he genuinely doesn’t understand why I don’t like it. He thinks I want him to stop talking to his brother altogether, which is not true.

So is this a Cuban thing or is it just my husband? If it’s a Cuban thing, I’ll have more patience because I want to accept that I didn’t marry an American and I have to make compromises. But if it’s just him, then we need to talk more about it.

ETA: I’m realizing this is a cultural difference, which is making it easier to wrap my head around. We’re planning on designing and building our own house at some point soon, so I’ll just have to include a library or something that’s just for me. No phones, no family. Just me and my miserable, lonely self 😂