Fuck CS:GO and fuck everyone who plays it
Look, I love CS. I started with CS 1.6, and I have 1,700 hours on CSGO. But each time I get banned, it's always for a week, and it's always on the same day I get unbanned because I have no choice. Either the other team is hacking, or my team is full of derankers and trolls and people who think they are DJ's or some shit. Valve needs to show more respect for people who have been playing for a long ass time. I shouldn't get banned for a week because my team were a bunch of trolls and kicked me for carrying them. I am sick and tired of it. I just got kicked because I couldn't get a kill, 4 enemies pop out, I kill three, and my own team mate is shooting me to make it hard for me then pays me off for not killing all 4, I mean come the fuck on cunt.