The Great Resignation was real and it was GLORIOUS. Looking back, it was almost insane.

I got out of the Army in the first months of 2021 after being infantry for 3 years. I was teaching myself coding during my last 3 months in my barracks rooms with zero math/CS/coding background. I immediately enrolled in college after getting out too.

About 5 months later and on/off self teaching, I applied to like 15 jobs and somehow got a job as ‘software support engineer’ for $25/hour in a LCOL during my first semester while I was a freshman in college. A single interview was all it took then. All I had was a minimalist HTML/CSS/JS portfolio and a couple generic React apps. The cookie cutter shit everyone had back then. 10 months of that experience and I almost doubled by salary to a back end engineer (am now an SRE and doubled that).

Everyone that applied for jobs then and had a somewhat decent portfolio got hired it seemed like. You would frequently read posts here about retail employees learning python and getting jobs 10 months later with no degree and x4’ing their salary.

I’m still a senior in college right now (last semester) and my colleagues can barely get internships. It’s crazy how quick the market took a massive dump. It’s also crazy how desperate employers were back then to fill seats.

I can’t even begin to describe how immensely helpful this sub was in 2020-2021 to me. Now this entire sub is basically a wasteland of depression and broken dreams.