It's time for an overhaul
I've been adding to and changing around this setup for years. It's become a monster. I need to remove, add and move around components again and do something about the rats nest of cables. Some stuff is only for display so those need to go elsewhere to make room for other stuff that will be hooked up.
The Extron has been awesome but I need to put extension cables on all the ports so I can better run and organize the video cables. Most of the system video cables don't split very far apart so they all congregate in a central buildup of spaghetti behind it. The position of the audio ports doesn't help either.
The power cables are mostly run along the columns and the power strips are all in the middle shelf behind the gamecubes. Those are going to be moved to service two to three shelves a piece.
Hold onto your butts.
For anyone curious, I have multiples of some systems in order to enjoy system link gaming.