K1 Max Just Works

I bought a K1 Max when it first came out. I got a bad one, it would crash the nozzle into the bed and fail prints. Everything was off. I returned it and got another one. Because the nozzle bed issue was blamed on the K1 Max original firmware, I rooted the new one and ran Guilouz's script. I calibrated the printer and since then it prints great! I do have to clean the PEI textured sheet after every print or two, which I don't have to do with my other printer, but that could just be the 3rd party plate from aliexpress. It's such a minor thing to deal with, I don't even care. I mostly print PLA and some PETG. I almost never fail a print anymore. Once you dial things in, it just works! Yes, I have issues with VFA's and the bed shows it's not flat, but bed mesh seems to overcome that. I bought new motors with new pulleys for the VFA issue but have not put them in. Print quality is great other than the VFA issue.

With all the negative things happening with this printer I wanted to share a success story. I know it's a crap shoot whether you get a good one or not, but take the time to calibrate everything z height, rotational distance, flow rate, max flow rate, everything else. It paid dividends for me with print quality and bed adhesion.

Anyway, if anyone needs help with this stuff feel free to dm. I'm happy to help if I can. Good luck with your K1 Max