Can someone help?

I'm lost for ideas and quite frankly, hopeless. What have you guys done to help your vein issues? I've got extreme bulging of my veins and more veins showing up. These 2 pictures are 1 year apart, both on warm summer days, and I didn't exert myself at all before either. And yet there is a huge difference. I'm not sure how this could have developed. I understand this is a long haul covid subreddit but it seems like people here are most knowledgeable on vein issues. I had a varicose vein treated on my leg last December, and had a couple smaller follow up treatments in March, and may I believe. Never had any issues with veins above my knees before that. All seemed well until about March or April when I started noticing more veins showing up on my legs, and over the next few months it got worse and worse until I had visible veins in my legs, hips, abs, chest, arms, and hands. I was a somewhat vascular person to begin with but never had veins on my abs or chest or upper thighs. This has taken it to another level and it looks freakish. The doctors tell me that it would be unrelated to my varicose vein treatment which would seem like a huge coincidence to me. But I can't find any other cases like mine online so maybe? But I'm wondering if it's possible I could have experienced an asymptomatic case of covid over the last 6 months or so? Nothing else really makes sense to me other than I've had some sort of damage to my veins and now they're weak and over dilating or something. I don't have any other symptoms that I'm aware of. I did feel some burning in some of my ab veins a couple months back but I brushed that off as being in my head. I'm quite stumped and freaking out pretty bad. It seems like other people on this subreddit have very similar issues so I'm hoping maybe I can receive some help. Any insight would be very appreciated.