10 months of agony… gone.

I’ve been super active in this sub with my plethora of symptoms but mainly the sharp stabbing pain at the base of my sternum/ribs on the left hand side. I’ve shared a fair amount and expressed some of my feelings and experience with the BackPod - as well as incorporated stretches given to me by a physiotherapist (had to stop as they weren’t appropriate and were creating more pain- physio was clueless to costo), been on many different medications to try tackle the pain…

Since Jan 2nd I have been seeing my local osteopath 3x a month. I’ve had 6 sessions with this man, totalling a time of 3 and a half hours and my life is CHANGED. Through minor manipulation, lots of deep massages, nerve flossing (that I also do at home), diaphragm work, rib and spine clicks (not HVT, very gentle stuff), some easier (and more appropriate) exercises to do at home… it’s shifting. The pain, most of the anxiety, the restriction, the immobility on my left side has GONE. I’m walking 300% more than I was in January. I’m lifting relatively heavy items in preparation for a house move (still quite light but far more than I could during my flare)

Funnily enough, the problem shifted to the right side (mimicking the same) but it’s far less bothersome. He thinks that it’ll take another 2 months maximum to balance out and fix it- he just says that side is the lazy side now.

I cannot express how happy I am to see the back of this (nearly) year of the worst costo flare up I’ve had.

Please don’t give up hope.