Reddit is now full of censorship, bots, and disinformation
So, here’s my story: I’ve been visiting Reddit now (under different usernames) for about 10 years, and I was very active in certain subs like PastSaturnsRings, SaturnStormCube, TheSaturnTimeCubeSimulation, and this sub, and I’ve seen a dramatic difference in the way people react to controversial material. Years ago if you posted something conspiratorial (and I’m not talking about surface-level conspriaces, but really deep conspiracies) they would be received generally well and you would gets lots of feedback, but nowadays, these threads get no traction whatsoever, they’re completely ignored and downvoted. It’s like the whole of Reddit has become a fabrication or illusion, with only surface-level, immaterial conspiracies and one-image memes getting traction. The PTB obviously don’t want people thinking, conversing with each other and exchanging ideas, or going down new rabbit holes. You see the same thing has happened on YouTube.
Before 2017, YouTube was an amazing place for out-of-the-box thinking, but now you can’t find anything, apart from obvious shill-channels, debunking videos, and meaningless AI content. I mean, even the feed that YouTube gives you (i.e. the recommended content it suggests to you on your home-page) are the same videos you’ve aleady watched before. It just wants you to be in a small fish-bowl. Reddit now is terrible, but the problem is, you can’t go anywhere else, because the PTB have already destroyed forums as we know them and have forced everyone into expressing their opinions on their controlled platforms, like Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and even Twitter, so you play by their rules, and their rules are based on manipulation of information, suppression of information, censorship, and bombarding you with disinformation with bots and AIs. Discussing stuff with people on these platforms feels like there’s no-one “real” that you’re talking to, only bots, shills, and NPCs.