I am getting free unlimited internet access without paying for it.

I am a guy who lives in a small country. I'm 23 years old and currently an undergraduate of one of the best universities in our country. I know a lot about computers and Android.

I have never had an wifi connection or any other broadband connection in our home. I have a addition android device solely act as a wifi hotspot. I can get 1 GB of data for around $0.25.

My university offers free internet, 1 gbps ethernet. With this my data usage increased. I've used over 1 TB in some months I downloaded games, movies, etc. They have blocked some websites and torrent downloads but I could managed to bypass it after sometime.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit us. I had to come back home March last year. Since then the university was only opened for just 2 months and then was closed again.

After coming back home there was no free internet anymore. And my family cannot afford another bill. So I started looking for anyway to get this free internet.

Our service providers offer some unlimited packages. For example, one provider offers a YouTube unlimited plan for around $1.25. I had used it but the speed was really bad. You can watch YouTube at 1mbps speed for a month. That's it. And it was really bad. Then one competitor introduced a similar plan but it was quite interesting. It was also a YouTube plan. It gives you 25GB YouTube data at unlimited speed. And after it reaches the limit the speed is around 1mbps.

I just didn't wanted to watch YouTube. Therefore I learned about networking. Specifically SSH tunneling. After some hours working on it I found that I can easily tunnel my network over an specific SNI (server name identification) with a simple android app so the ISP thinks I'm going to that SNI. This way I could managed to tunnel my data through YouTube. And I successfully use that 25GB data to do anything.

But it wasn't enough. I wanted more data. But that plan could only be activated once a month. Yeah, bad luck. Then I activated a whatsapp package. It gave me 5GB unlimited speed data. I could tunnel it the same way. And you can guess what happened next. That 5GB of data vanished after a few days. Yeah. Then again, the speed was horrible.

Then I unintentionally tunneled through YouTube SNI again. An unexpected thing happened. When I test the speed it was around 15mbps. I wondered. And tried downloading 1 GB file to test the speed. And it worked.

Later I figured out that things was that when someone activated more than one these packages in the same validity period, and the speed limit of one of the activated packages gets unlocked. Yeah at least that's how I figured it out.

It was 15 th July when I tunneled for the first time. Since then I have been using this trick. I'd used 336 GB in one month.

And later I discovered this works with any unlimited package provided by that ISP. Since then I've been using a Facebook package and a WhatsApp package. With $0.75 I have access to unlimited internet for a whole month. (The 4G connection is around 25 mbps at my home , and it is fair enough for my usage). I do everything with it.

Yeah, that's basically it. I am not proud or shame of it or anything like that. But is it a bad thing I'm doing? Is it illegal? Or not fair? Thank you for listening.