Got off birth control, realized men are hot actually
I just got off birth control for the first time since I've got my period basically, and holy shit I'm so goddamn horny. I thought I was asexual in my early-mid teens, then thought I was a lesbian for a minute (because women... Need I elaborate?) before realizing I was bi and just more attracted to women. But now it's like, women are still fucking gorgeous, but what happened to all the men that they suddenly look so handsome and fuckable? The same guys I'd roll my eyes at for wearing the same few T-shirts and cargo shorts every day? The ones who put no effort into their appearance with their bed head out in public? Someone needs to tell these men that I'm about to drag them into bed with me if they keep coming to my workplace with their damn cute bed head (I'm talking to you redhead man who's at least twice my age with your dumb little smirk)
Anyways, just trying not to be such a slutty little bitch that I fuck all my friends and destroy my social circle. Plz don't destroy my dms too badly lol I'm not desperate enough for anonymous nudes yet