Assaulted on my birthday, in my own room, struggling.

I met this guy on a dating app around halloween of 2024, we met for the first time in early November, about two weeks before my birthday, I noticed the red flags but they were subtle and he was good at manipulating even if he doesn't realize it, plus I was trying really hard not to get the ick because every one tells me I get the ick too fast. Honestly I was just ignoring my gut feelings though. Anyways, he came over on my birthday (kinda invited himself tbh) because he couldn't make it to my birthday party that was 3 days after. This was only the 2nd time we had met in person and we weren't official yet. We kissed on the first date but that was the furthest things had gone. So down in my room on my birthday we are watching a movie and talking (he was hardly listening as usual I noticed), and he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me down onto him, he started to kiss me and grab my ass really hard. I was completely shook by this because we were NOT at that stage in our relationship whatsoever, I tried to push myself off of him but he was holding me down so hard. He did this (pulling me onto him, kissing and grabbing me), probably 5 or 6 more times over the next 2 hours, and each time I kept telling him hey lets watch the movie or hey I was still talking and I dont want to makeout but he kept telling me he didn't care and he was holding me down so hard on him I was terrified. I tried to hole myself up on the corner of my bed, body language was obviously not comfortable. He then pulled me up onto his lap and started kissing my neck and at this point I kind of froze, until he tried to take my fucking shirt off. I don't even remember what I said, I just remember I got him to not take it off and then he laid me down and laid on top of me, he was kissing my neck and my mouth (horrible kisser) and I literally turned my face away and he just kept kissing on my face it was so disgusting. Once he got up off of me, (i was like "lets watch the movie" and he finally got up begrudgingly) he stood up, and took his SHIRT OFF. He has a long sleeve under it so he wasn't shirtless, but.... why dude? I just said NO! So yeah, the last time he pulled me onto him I was mid sentence and he cut me off, was kissing me disgusting, gripping and smacking my ass like it was the last thing he'd ever touch, and he called me 'sexy', which was just so objectifying and horrid. I finally got the courage to tell him he needed to go home and he picked me up outside the front door before grabbing my ass very hard AGAIN and kissed me so nasty and sloppy on my front porch. As soon as I got back to my room I called my best friends and was sobbing uncontrollably while telling them what happened. I texted him the same night and told him I hated how it made me feel, objectified and disgusting, and completely taken advantage of. He kept blaming it on being "unexperienced" so he doesn't know when to stop, which is bullshit because I was obviously telling him to stop. Anyways, I haven't gone a day without thinking about it and I have become really sensitive to people touching me around my butt area, I already really hated ass smacking in general, but this has just excelled that so much and I'm afraid of getting a bf now because if he touches my ass I might just have a breakdown, which seems silly even though I know it's valid. Anyways, have been haunted by this and needed to say it somewhere. Thanks.

PS. Any coping advice/comments are greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Gonna be muting my notifs for this, I appreciate all of your kind messages, but some of the mean comments are getting a little out of hand.

EDIT 2: A few people are saying I am not willing to accept advice. I am!! I am 100% looking for emotional/coping advice. I am not looking for advice on prevention, etc. I appreciate the concern though! Thank you for your kind words!!