I can’t do 2025 but my first daughter needs me forever.
This may be a trigger so warning…
This will be the 3rd year since my baby died premature at 23 weeks and feet first…and I feel like I’ll never breathe again…
I know I will as my first daughter needs me…and I am so thankful for her. She doesn’t know of course…and I don’t need advice. Just to say it. I miss my baby and will always…but I will stay strong. It just hurts…so idk if I can breathe yet this year…
Edit: she was born feet first. I always had an erratic cycle so it didn’t stop and I never knew she was there until I ended up in the hospital by ambulance during a work shift that night. I also have certain medical conditions so that is what I thought I was enduring. I have since been with a GI doctor and on medication to control these issues a little more. Plus an adjustment in diet.
Btw I was never referring to being unalive and apologize if it came off that way. I simply meant, for me, knowing it’s another year not being able to hold her again makes it hard to breathe. I have come farther than I was but there will be moments of pain forever. When I saw her face I just wanted her to live beyond words I can say…but doctors only do their best in these circumstances.