3 years of nothing at college
I've been going to my college for 3 years now and I'm soon to graduate, I've never been invited too any after-school activities much less even had a meaningful conversation. I've put myself out there many times, tried to start conversation and talk with people but I've been blown off every single time. The best I've got here is just simple "how are you doing?" and "I'm great how's the weather?" Stuff, I wonder what's wrong with me, I just want to make friends and get close with people.
My first year I was primarily focused on school and work, making sure to get good grades and put in the effort, and I did well. The pinnacle of that success was having another student ask me for help in that class, and I just handed them my notes.
I dont even remember anything of my second year, I don't think I had any meaningful interaction with anyone at all, I do remember trying more though, going to extra classes, staying later, trying to start/join clubs. None of it worked though.
For my third year it's been more of the same, I really want to put myself out there but it feels like I've tried everything and I'm just ready to give up. I wish I could've got to go to one party, met one person, or just have had a good meaningful talk with at least one person here. I've missed out on so much it seems and thats just been eating at me.
Edit: I wish to thank alot of you, after some encouragement and helpful advice I've decided to start putting myself out there alot more. Thank you for your help.