Disappointed with Cointreau - Am I missing something?
I’ve started getting into making cocktails at home and I recently picked up a bottle of Cointreau. I’m a huge citrus fan so was very excited to try it, but I’ve been quite disappointed so far.
First off, the nose is overwhelmingly of the underlying spirits. Offputtingly so. Despite that, it’s actually pretty tasty on its own. Very nice orange flavor with some depth to it. Missing the pleasant acidity of an actual orange, but that’s what the cocktail is for.
However, I’ve made both a Pegu Club and a Jasmine and find it pretty underwhelming in those. The orange flavor becomes very one note - like an orange lollipop. And there is a very prominent alcohol aftertaste. The Jasmine is more balanced with the Campari, so it is still delicious (and deliciously dry), but that’s sandwiched between a whiff of alcohol on the front end and an alcohol aftertaste on the back.
I love boozy drinks like Negronis, manhattans etc., so I’m pretty disappointed since orange liqueur is used in so many spirit-forward drinks. Am I missing something or is this just how orange liqueur is? Everyone hypes PF dry curaçao - would that solve my problem?