Robby is clearly stronger than anyone else (hear me out)
Yes, weekly Robby is the best post. But just finished watching whole series and clearly you can see that once Robby locks in nobody can beat him.
S1 he lost cause he was injured. S4 Hawk fight he was distracted. S6 Fight with Miguel for captain, he went from 2-0 to 3-2 once he locked in. Kwon fight, guy was barely able to touch him. Robby was literally playing with him Axel fight, yes he was lacking in first fight against him but so was Miguel in once the brawl started. Final fight against Axel; he said it himself he would have won, and why did Miguel win? Cause Axel was literally fighting within himself and doubting his choices.
So yeah, I know Miguel is main character and all, but Robby is better fighter.