Rankingg The Cobra Kai Possible Spin-offs

I am going to be ranking then based on how much I would want to see them (most to least)

1- MIYAGI: a series or movie following a young Mr. Miyagi has so much potential, from an aspiring filmmaker perspective, I can just imagine how stylized this kind of film could be with the right directors, like a more modern version of the culturally immersive Okinawa experience of KK2.

2 - IRON DRAGONS: Axel could’ve been a really cool character in the franchise, I feel like he and Sensei Wolf were such wasted potential in terms of the character concepts and the writers could probably make something interesting for Zara as well.

3- BINARY BROTHERS: I really enjoyed Hawk and Demetri’s relationship and I think a little mini series about their college shenanigans could be a really fun watch, mix in a little drama, a little fighting, some comedy and BOOM you have absolute PEAK.

4- SAMIGUEL IN OKINAWA: honestly I don’t know what this could be about but even though I think the core 4 are done with their stories I feel like there’s a writer out there somewhere who could cook up something interesting for this, if I had to choose, I’d say make this be more of a drama and exclude the Karate, maybe they use their lessons in different ways in the real world like how Aisha did. They could do what Life Is Strange: Double Exposure did and just create an entirely new cast of side characters alongside our protagonist.

5- COBRA KAI NEXT GENERATIONS: This one would actually probably be in the top 3 that I want to see but there is one huge issue that pushes it back here which is the fact that Daniel and Johnny’s stories had such a perfect ending in Cobra Kai that I almost don’t want to see them again, ykwim? But other than that, I really would love to see Kenny, Devon, and Anthony and whatever drama conspires within that group, I don’t think their stories were really done.

6- KREESE AND SILVER PREQUEL: I really love these characters and would love to see more of their backstory but the only thing is I feel like all of the most interesting parts of their story have already been shown in Cobra Kai, this series/film would just have to expand on it so idk how good this could turn out.

7- KEENRY KARATE: as much as I miss my goat Robby and want to see more of him with Tory, I really can’t see this being all that interesting. The only thing I can think of is if they made it into story about them having a struggling relationship because of maybe the pressure of their job and all of the traveling and drama of social media, maybe they get into controversies (get cancelled lol) and almost lose their contracts. Eh Idk I feel like this one would be kind of lame.

8- SENSEI KIM’S DOJANG: I would honestly consider putting this one higher if Kwon was alive, I don’t have faith that they could make this as interesting with Yoon as the main character but film wise, I think it could also have a really cool feel to it taking place in South Korea