Miguel does NOT need a boost to beat axel
just rewatch part 2 and OBSERVED
Miguel only got hit for one point in the whole sekytekky by none other than kwon himself, a man who arguably went bar for bar with axel, (Outside of getting hit for points and the brawl he did catch a swift right from some random bozo in a 2v1) which is only one point more than drago so is that insane to think Miguel CAN ABSOLUTELY DOGWALK THIS MUPPET
I mean we do gotta kinda ignore miggy getting ragdolled by axel in the brawl (which to be fair he actually was boxing alittle in, especially when he went back to back with Robby after that, that man caused some damage)
Posts about miggy because I mean they couldn’t make it more obvious Miguel and Axel are gonna scrap in part 3
Which off topic but screw kwon for dying bro, never got to see them go the distance