What on Nightslayer (NA) isn’t for sale?

Paid character leveling, paid rep farming, paid pre bis, paid AFK honor grind, paid raid spots like what the hell! Is this just an RMT server? What’s the point of banning GDKPS if everyone’s just gonna RMT every other aspect of the game? I feel bad for the TBC hype men out there. TBC will be ruined for the rest of us if this continues.

I’m gonna get downvoted to heaven for this ,but it needs to be typed.

This is a 10 percent blizzard, 90 percent community problem. Blizzard can’t/wont ban all the gold buyers and bots. Too many subbed players buy gold. If you report the buyers enough, there will be less bots in game. If you know someone buying gold, whether it be your Best friend, GM or hated enemy REPORT them. Remove the demand for RMT gold and the bots will disappear and this damn server will have some integrity again.

Edit: really enjoying the RMTers coming out of the woodwork to defend their way of life in the comments. Priceless.