Questie will NOT be showing new Runes in Season of Discovery

Hey all, just wanted to let you know that Questie will be rapidly updating to support Season of Discovery, and we'll also be launching a massive update, Questie v9.0, with the new season - but we will NOT be revealing the locations of Runes on the map until the phase after they're introduced. That is to say, in Phase 1 (level cap 25), no Runes will be revealed. In Phase 2 (level cap 40), we'll reveal the Runes for 1-25. In Phase 3 (level cap 50) we'll reveal 1-40, and so on.

TL;DR We're going to preserve the sense of Discovery.

Questie v9.0 will also bring a massive number of improvements:

  • A completely overhauled settings menu, with dozens of new customization options, along with a massive cleanup and unification of existing settings
  • Proper implementation of Ace Profiles (like every other addon, so you can have separate settings per character, class, or realm)
  • A million small quality of life improvements
  • Full support for future seasons and new Era content moving forward
  • A new "debug offer" system that prompts you when Questie encounters content it doesn't know about, so that rather than just erroring, you can submit your discoveries (huehue) to the Questie devs for implementation

See you in Azeroth!