The Count of Monte Cristo - An unpopular theory?
I can't help but feel some of the blame of what befalls Edmond is actually on him. The captain of the Pharaon dies and asks Edmond to deliver a letter to the Island of Elba, where Napoleon has been exiled. Based on the monarchy's position at this time on those that support Napoleon, this in and of itself is pretty risky however M. de Villefort clearly is of the opinion that a dying man's last wish is sacred and that Edmond is not guilty for having fulfilled it. But more problematic than that is the fact that Napoleon then gives a letter for Edmond to deliver to Paris (which ultimately is addressed to M. Nortier). This is not part of the dying Captain's last wish. Edmond had the option of respectfully declining that task. He seemed to be pretty non-partisan in terms of the politics of the day. Now granted if he hadn't accepted that second letter, Danglers could very well still have started the process of framing him, however Villefort would never have pushed the charges against him absent that second letter to his (Villefort's) father. Villefort was ready to drop all charges before he saw that letter. Why did Edmond agree to take that second letter? It seems pretty clear that anyone that supported the revolutionary cause would face very serious punishment, even to the level of execution. Based on this serious error in judgement by Dantes, I'm inclined to think that he bears a significant amount of blame for what ultimately happens to him. Thoughts?