Just bought my honda civic sport touring today

I have a question, im not really into cars so like i have no idea how they work but before i got this car i used to have civic 2009 hybrid and im not sure if its cuz the breaks are different or its cuz the brakes on my new car is new but everytime i brake gently it feels like im flooring the brake right away. It feels weird cuz its not smooth like my old civic where when i apply the break it will gradually slow down to a complete stop where as on my new one it feels like it skips the slowing down part. Im sorry for my bad english its not my first language.

I have a question, im not really into cars so like i have no idea how they work but before i got this car i used to have civic 2009 hybrid and im not sure if its cuz the breaks are different or its cuz the brakes on my new car is new but everytime i brake gently it feels like im flooring the brake right away. It feels weird cuz its not smooth like my old civic where when i apply the break it will gradually slow down to a complete stop where as on my new one it feels like it skips the slowing down part. Im sorry for my bad english its not my first language.