Just passed CISM EXAM, here’s my retrospective.
Paying back with feedback as this community helped me with insights to pass exam. I only used CISM QAE, no manual or other reading material. I got 73% score on final QAE 2nd pass, read all the explanations for correct or incorrect answer. Took 3 months to study, 30 min each day, total 2 passes on QAE. I didn’t do the practice exam mode for QAE and only used categories practice questions mode to focus on each of the 4 domains one at a time.
I have background in project management, scrum master, risk management, data engineering, cloud infrastructure and working with security architects on solution designs for many years so all the knowledge combined made CISM straightforward and not too challenging to pass in the exam. I Focused on the easy, moderate and difficult level questions
I didn’t worry about expert level, it’s educated guess mostly.
Good luck you got this!