Awesome Left Wing Circle Jerkers.

I just wanted to congratulate our awesome Left Wing CJers who seem to have joined over the last few months.

prior to that, all the CJAus posts were taking satirical swipes AT THE LEFT, highlighting the silly side of welcome to country, DEI overreaching.

recently there has been an influx of posts about the lack of white faces in a school photo and Indian taking over Australia.

the sarcasm is so convincing one could easily think the poster honestly believes this is the place to post up straight up bigotry rather than light hearted satire and commentary and that the poster is so unintelligent and illiterate that they can't write a post in line with the core reason for the sub.

So congrats to the new left wing CJers for being so effective that readers could believe you really are mouth breathing, empty headed, vacuous, arse clowns.