Sell Red V-Raptor-X for Ursa Cine 12k

Very tempted to sell my Red V-Raptor-X and replace it with the BlackMagic Ursa Cine 12k.

The Raptor has been great and great colors. Kinda wish I got the XL model so could have built in XLR and NDs.

But looking at the Ursa Cine 12k specs I think it might be better than Raptor on many levels. First it out performs the Raptor on DNR and maybe even latitude (the X version doesn't perform as good as the previous). Also just worried that the resale value will really fall out of Red with whatever Nikon releases next. The price of the Ursa is a no brainer for the specs. Seems like any and all Red accessories are $$$.

I shoot narrative and documentary stuff. The brand makes no difference to my clients only the quality of delivery.

Any thoughts on this from others? Am I crazy to think that BlackMagic has a camera on par with Red now??