How is this possible?! The "Fuck It" extension just *disappeared* from my list

I've been using the "Fuck It" extension for a few years now, because it was the best thing I ever found to be able to get rid of things like cookies banners that would only let you click on "agree". It was simpler than "Nuke Anything", which requires you to first select a page element to disable. All you had to do was right click and select "Fuck It" from the context menu, and -- hey presto! -- the offending element was gone.

Welp, today I tried to use Fuck It, and it was gone. Not just gone from the context menu, but gone from my list of Extensions entirely! I have never seen this before; I didn't even think it was possible! Sure, I've noticed that Chrome will sometimes deactivate extensions, but they remain in the list as inactive. Indeed, today I noticed that "Nuke Anything" had been deactivated, and the explanation in the Chrome Web Store was that "This extension is no longer available because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." I have no doubt that it actually relates to the potential lost ad revenue from people using such extensions, and not from any legitimate problem with the extension.

Has anyone else seen this phenomenon?
And does anyone know of a good substitute for "Fuck It"?