Hello my wonderful friends! I’m new ! Hehe

Hi , I’m new to Christian witch , I was former Catholic and the evangelical but neither felt like God was there fully I turn atheist took break from all the bs I was taught , then learn about spirituality (not new age) then I started working at a church (kinda dumb because it’s evangelical) but something pop in my head like out no where “I want to be a Christian again but a witch” I started going on tiktok to see if I was alone or not and I wasn’t now I am realizing I’m still not alone ! Part of the LGBTQ, I’m bisexual and very proud Hispanic haha but I guess I should introduce myself.

I do have question

1) what church do you guys go? 2) and how did Jesus show himself to y’all? Because with me it was more like “be a witch? It suit you.” lol 😂 maybe cause my name is Sabrina 😂